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50 products


Tati Sale price340.00 ₪
Ayala | Mix chains, shades and elementsAyala | Mix chains, shades and elements
Cassie | Silver layered chainCassie | Silver layered chain
Cassie | Silver layered chain Sale price340.00 ₪
Marisha MarishaMarisha Marisha
Marisha Marisha Sale price260.00 ₪
Branka | Double gourmet necklace and pendants | BrankaBranka | Double gourmet necklace and pendants | Branka
Petty | Gold chain and pendants Pattie Petty | Gold chain and pendants Pattie
Suraya Layered necklace combined with delicate pendants Soraya Suraya Layered necklace combined with delicate pendants Soraya
Eric Stainless steel necklace combined with a black rectangular pendant Eric Stainless steel necklace combined with a black rectangular pendant
Amir A necklace of wooden beads and agate stones with a golden pendant of a dagger Amir A necklace of wooden beads and agate stones with a golden pendant of a dagger
Gift cardGift card
Gift card Sale priceFrom 100.00 ₪
Lily LillyLily Lilly
Lily Lilly Sale price350.00 ₪
Kuchi | Silver gourmet necklace and black lava stones with heart pendant Kuchi | Silver gourmet necklace and black lava stones with heart pendant
Waba | vavaWaba | vava
Waba | vava Sale price320.00 ₪
Sold outAgnes AgnesAgnes Agnes
Agnes Agnes Sale price360.00 ₪
Holidays Rounded stainless steel necklace combined with stones and geometric elementsHolidays Rounded stainless steel necklace combined with stones and geometric elements
my armymy army
my army Sale price300.00 ₪
my peacemy peace
my peace Sale price250.00 ₪
Avi | AviAvi | Avi
Avi | Avi Sale price220.00 ₪
Sergei Sale price210.00 ₪
Juan | A necklace of blue jasper stones combined with a brass pendant of a dagger Juan Juan | A necklace of blue jasper stones combined with a brass pendant of a dagger Juan
Danny Stainless steel necklace with geometric black elements Danny Stainless steel necklace with geometric black elements
Leon | Delicate stainless steel gourmet necklace combined with a silver pendant of a daggerLeon | Delicate stainless steel gourmet necklace combined with a silver pendant of a dagger
wilting Sale price180.00 ₪
July - layered necklace in ethnic rock styleJuly - layered necklace in ethnic rock style
Mushik Sale price300.00 ₪
Alfred Sale price300.00 ₪
my eyes A rounded snake necklace with gold plating combined with pendants of blessing and protectionmy eyes A rounded snake necklace with gold plating combined with pendants of blessing and protection
Nehami A golden snake chain combined with various pendantsNehami A golden snake chain combined with various pendants
Wake up A gold-plated necklace and various pendants in blue shadesWake up A gold-plated necklace and various pendants in blue shades
Sold outEsther | אסתרEsther | אסתר
Esther | אסתר Sale price260.00 ₪
Cohen | כהןCohen | כהן
Cohen | כהן Sale price360.00 ₪
Oshri | אשריOshri | אשרי
Oshri | אשרי Sale price280.00 ₪
Ziona | ציונהZiona | ציונה
Ziona | ציונה Sale price280.00 ₪
Agi | אגיAgi | אגי
Agi | אגי Sale price310.00 ₪
Malki | מלכי
Malki | מלכי Sale price360.00 ₪
Margot | מרגוMargot | מרגו
Margot | מרגו Sale price270.00 ₪
Geula | גאולהGeula | גאולה
Geula | גאולה Sale price270.00 ₪
Bracha | ברכהBracha | ברכה
Bracha | ברכה Sale price240.00 ₪
Ravit | רויתRavit | רוית
Ravit | רוית Sale price260.00 ₪
Marge | 'מארגMarge | 'מארג
Marge | 'מארג Sale price300.00 ₪
Trinny | טריניTrinny | טריני
Trinny | טריני Sale price340.00 ₪
Nani | נאניNani | נאני
Nani | נאני Sale price310.00 ₪
Isabel Rosenbloom | איזבל רוזנבלוםIsabel Rosenbloom | איזבל רוזנבלום
Regina Phalange | רג'ינה פלנג'יRegina Phalange | רג'ינה פלנג'י
Wake up A gold-plated necklace and various pendants in blue shadesWake up A gold-plated necklace and various pendants in blue shades
my eyes A rounded snake necklace with gold plating combined with pendants of blessing and protectionmy eyes A rounded snake necklace with gold plating combined with pendants of blessing and protection
Oshri Haben | אשרי הבן
Oshri Haben | אשרי הבן Sale price280.00 ₪
Celia | סיליה
Celia | סיליה Sale price310.00 ₪